Meet Don and Betty Cummins
They’ve impacted your life, even though you may not know them. Don Cummins was instrumental in the initial planning and development of MoPac from 1st Street to Highway 183 back in the late 1960s. He had his eye on Austin’s future then, and he still does. The promise of what’s to come — a new future of care in Central Texas and economic growth — compelled Don and Betty to make a generous donation to help build Dell Seton Medical Center at UT.
“In my opinion, the two largest events affecting Austin were the establishment of the MCC research technology consortium in the early ‘80s, and, fast forward to today, the construction of a medical school and teaching hospital here,” says Don. “I predict that the new downtown medical complex will transform Austin into an outstanding medical destination. And the economic impact and job growth will be incredible.”
Don, a founder of the real estate firm Bradfield-Cummins, Inc., learned the business from his father-in-law Landon Bradfield. Betty has lived in Austin her entire life, and she and Don graduated from The University of Texas at Austin. Don and Betty have a long-standing connection to Seton. Both of their sons were born at Seton Medical Center Austin. When Don suffered kidney failure recently, he credited Seton for his recovery. He now receives dialysis three times a week.
“Betty and I wanted our donation to Seton’s new teaching hospital to help the many others who suffer from kidney disease and are on dialysis.” Don and Betty’s generosity will be recognized on the dialysis treatment room in the hospital.
“I like the Bible verse ‘everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required,’ and Don and I both believe that,” says Betty.
Don emphatically agrees. “That’s right. Austin has been good to us, so we feel it’s important to participate in the things that are good for Austin. Life has come full circle. I was part of a group pushing to build a medical school here back in the 1960s. And now, here we are 50 years later able to support a modern new teaching hospital that will help this community for generations to come.”
Addendum: Don and Betty have both passed away, but their legacy lives on through their generous gift to the Dialysis Unit at Dell Seton. Don lived to see the plaque in the unit honoring their contribution.
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